Mission & values
Our mission is to make a positive impact on the people of Cuba. Often the tourist industry is too much disconnected from the actual situation of local people and communities in Cuba.
Many tourist arrive in Cuba year by year. However, because of well-established systems they often will be directly brought to all-inclusive resorts where they spend their time and money in the resorts, which are usually government operated.
The problem, as it usually can be found with many other countries, is very obvious. Cuban people will serve tourists in luxury hotels or resorts. How much of the money do actually arrive at the people who do the work, how much money will remain with the hotels? Make a guess.
We want to bridge the gab between tourists and the local life as it actually is in Cuba. Our goal is to provide very personal experiences when in Cuba. Allowing tourists to spend as much time with locals to ask questions and to learn more about their daily lifes and point of views.
At the same time, your support and fundings will ultimately be distributed to where it actually is needed the most, the Cuban poeple.
BestOfCuba helps tourists to start a cultural exchange with local people an communities. Whether it is while exploring together the capital of Habana, dancing salsa or learning Spanish. We help guests of Cuba to start a cultural exachange, allowing them to achieve a unique as well as authentic experience during their time in Cuba.
Cuban people for tourists and tourists for Cuban people. There should not be a workaround.