Salsa night outs
Going out to a proper Cuban salsa party in vibrant Habana is most likely one of the many once-in-a-lifetime experiences one can ever make. The music, the feeling and especially the friendly faces that are inviting you to take a round on the dance floor with them are truly very hard to resist.
Not everyone in Cuba dances salsa, but if they do, they are more than happy to show-off and impress you with incredible precise, entertaining and sometimes even sexy moves.
Whether crashing one of Habana’s best protected secret salsa clubs or dancing underneath the sky at one of the many casas de la musica, e.g. in Vinales or Trinidad. Jump right in and join us for a great experience through Cuban’s nightlife.
Going back and back
Wendy, in the video, shows us some basic Salsa movements.
Turning the lady
In this video, Wendy explains how to properly turn the girl.
Dile que no
One of the absolute basic steps in salsa is the "Dile que no". This step is for the ladies. To show a little bit off, Wendy has included a finta as part of the Dile que no. Do you see it?
Please do not try to hard to understand those steps, rather visit us in Cuba and simply feel it.